Hello, Im currently a recovering herion addict, and about 4 months ago i started having tremendous pain in my colon. Well I have a colonospcy coming up soon. My question is this morning i had a horrible headache almost migraine type but it only seemed to be on the left side near my temple but i couldnt sleep lastnight due to some family issues so i have been up since 10am Saturday. Well i took my pain medicine like i always do which unfortunely is inveinous and i didnt use unsual amount then 10 minutes later (i was fine it helped my head kinda stop, i didnt feel high so i know i didnt do too much), but all of a sudden i had a moment where i couldnt remember what i was doing what day it was but once i noticed it was happening and i focused on it it seemed to stop. I mean wasnt longer than 45secs to a minute but my vision doubled up so i layed down it just freaked me out cuz i never have headaches at all muxh less the left side near my temple can that be related? now im ok everythings seems normal,i have a doctors appointment tomorrow but just kinda wanted your opinion