Hi, i am pregnant with my 2nd child, i am 17 and a half weeks pregnant since about 14/15 weeks i have felt like i need to go for a wee from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to bed, the only time it stops is when i sleep, go to bed, i can sleep all nite or wake only once and it doesnt bother me, but in the day it drives me mad, to the point that i dont want to go out the house incase i have an accident, i dont think i will, when i cough, sneeze etc no accidents,and before now i have had none. Msu sent twice and fine, and dr checked for a prolapse, dr said bby is small at present and as it gets bigger it may move up easing the pressure if its on my bladder when does baby move up its driving me mad! also am doing my pelvic floor exercises 100 times a day or more and am seeing physio soon thanks