Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Constipation with stone like stools that is fecolith formation is a troublesome disease and can cause secondary piles and
fissure in ano.
Taking anything for avoiding
pregnancy can be the precipitating factor if the problems started together.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get an X-ray of the abdomen to see for fecolith formation and the extent of the colon involved. If the colon is full with fecoliths you may need saline with soap enema to relieve the colon of the fecoliths which is the first most important step.
Then add-on a Laxative and
stool softener and to adjust the dosages as per your requirements.
Also make a list of the foods and beverages that instigate or enhance the constipation and stop these altogether.
Take high fiber diet and take plenty of oral fluids.
Later on a
colonoscopy and biopsy may be needed.
A proper diagnosis and management will solve your problems. It may be possible to change over to another mode of birth control and stop the injection that you are taking.