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Constipation means lack of bowel movement .
There are many cause for constipation.
Inactive lifestyle may cause constipation. so be a active in whole day. Do some exercise more than 30 minutes.
Lack of high fiber foods and vitamine that can cause constipation.
Fiber diet helpful in digestion.
So eat fress fruits and green vegetables.
During day time lack of drinking water may cause distubance in digestion .
Drink more water that helpful in digestion.
More alcohol drinking may cause constipation.
Heavy fatty food eating or more oily food may create problems in digestion.
So take low fatty and oily foods.
Avoid spicy food also.
Too much eating of junk food that may cause severe constipation.
So avoid junk foods.
More taking dairy product like cheese, butter....etc may cause constipation.
Some medications are cause constipation.
After taking this much care still problem is present than you can do
colonoscopy for further diagnosis.
Wish you a good health.
Take care.