Age: 30 Sex: female Height: 5 1 Weight: 108 Question: When I chew gum, sugar-free OR bubblegum/non-sugar-free, I generally start coughing from the initial juicy sugar. After the intensity of the sweetness or the amount of saliva decreases, the coughing/choking stops. Additionally, just a few minutes ago, I had a much more severe coughing attack from chewing a cherry candy-cane, which has real sugar and corn syrup in it (artificial colors and flavors as well). This time, I actually was wheezing and struggling to breath. Not coughing. I believe it was an asthma attack. Asthma does run in my family. It just never occurred to me that I could have it; my potential symptoms never were as obvious as other family members. Could sugars and sweeteners be asthma triggers?