Hi im a 25 year old female in the military. I have been ill since the winter with a cough and cold that i couldnt shake. I got rid of the cold but was diagnosed with Acute Tracheitus and put in Steroids and a Ventolin inaler. I returned to work and finished my steroids and thought that I was ok. I went for a run and collapsed and lost consciousness. I was brought to hospital and they tested me for everything. They thought there was something wrong with my heart so they done an ECG, an echo and blood tests. They also attached me to a heart monitor. The xrays showed my lungs to be over inflated so they sent me home with paracetemol and an appointment to have a lung function test. I hadnt heard anything from my consultant in regards to my results so I called her office until I got a response from her. She told me that my lung function test was completley normal and that there was no evidence of any Asthma, that I am perfectly fine that I should return to work. I explained to her that I was feeling quite tired and lethargic, as I was in hospital and that breatthing some days is hard, returning to work in such a physical envoirnment concerned me, as it did my Army doctor. She said she would send the results to him, and that I would recieve an appointment to see her in July as she had not recieved my heart monitor results yet. Why do I feel like there is being something over looked here? It feels like I was a major inconveinience to her for phoning and she made me feel like I was a hypochondriac? I dont like being out of work, im not a lazy person but I want to avoid, at all costs, anything that will put me back into how bad I fet the day I collapsed. Please help.