Thanks for posting here.
I can understand your agony. I do not know for the indication of
ritalin here. If your
heart rate was low, i need to know how low was it. Your symptoms also point towards some infection in the body in view of fever, sweating, shivering , cough,
labored breathing. I advice you to get investigated with a
complete blood count,ESR, CRP, urine routine, chest
x ray, sputum aerobic culture and blood cultures. You definitely have some infection in , the body most probably in the lungs, so you need to be on antibiotics.
Also the need of ritalin should be assessed. Whether you really need to be on it must be evaluated, because some of above symptoms may be because of ritalin use.
I would suggest the ritalin to be stopped, but how severe is your slow heart rate (for which ritalin was started) is not known, so please update some information about heart rate disturbances.
wishing you good health