Welcome to health care magic.
as u had check
pregnancy by pregnancy kit which was negative, but u have no period so it will be due to
hormonal imbalance.
bhcg is most correctable test for pregnancy. It wlii give exact result of pregancy.
so u have to get proper investgation like thyroid ,fsh, lh,bsl.
milk discharge from nipple without pregnancy is called
galactorrhea. It occure due to elevation of
prolactin harmone. Little amount of discharge is lesssignificant and quite physiological . If it occure in large amount then under lying pathological investgation needed to investigate properly.
common causes of
nipple discharge is more stimulation of nipple or beast massage during sexual excitement , harmonal causes like hyperprolactemia and hypothyroid state with elevated TSH, certain medication like any psychotic drug ,methyl dopa .
if all thr investigation are normal then u will get ur period from using harmonal tablet , but u have to consult gyneacologist for accurate dose of tablet and find out of the delayed menses.
hope I answered ur query ,have any further dont hesitate to ask me .