I had my mirana removed on 10/31/2014 and my doctor told me that I would experience some bleeding, but would end over the weeked. So, my period was getting ready to come, and I had all the systoms for it and so I assumed I had it for 11/3-11/6 or 7. Well I have had all the syptoms of it coming at the end of the November and excpeted it to be ther on the 1st and I have had not had it, and I have been having headaches every day, my boobs hurt off and on, I get dizzy when I bend over, I get nauseas when I bend and that comes and goes, I am crazy tired all the time, also when I hold my child on stomach it hurts and i get sick. I have taken 4 hpt and all negative. So I dont know what is wrong with me and I would like to know so that i can treat it.