My periods on December arrived on 17th December. My periods on January arrived on 12th. On 17th January morning, I finished my period and went to meet my boyfriend that night. I was a virgin so he just put the head of his penis inside of my vagina but he still cummed inside of me. I immediately took the Postinor 2 pills the next morning. After 2 nights, I went back to meet him but this time he took my virginity and he cummed inside of me again two times. As soon as I left him, I went to take the Postinor 2 pills straight away. 10 nights later, On the 27th January in the night, blood starting coming out of my vagina and I assumed it was an early period but when I checked on the internet about the pills, I learnt that it was the effect of the pills. The next night, I went to meet my boyfriend again for a few nights, while I was still removing blood. That night we didn t do anything. The next night we also didn t do anything. The next morning I was still removing a little bit of blood but I went in the shower with him and we ended up having sex, he made sure to pull out. The next morning we did it again, I was still removing blood but not as much as yesterday but we still had sex and he pulled out again. After that, I never bled again. It s now 14th February and I still haven t got my period and I m scared that I may be pregnant. Is it because the P2 pills failed or is it because of the time we had sex and he kept pulling out? Or is it just the P2 pills delaying my period? I would appreciate your answer as soon as possible because I m really worried about this and I m afraid that I m pregnant. Thank you very much. Sarah.