Hallow Dear,
You are sexually active. You had unprotected intercourse(s). Your periods are delayed. All these facts demand to have the suspicion of
pregnancy unless and until proved otherwise.
Pulling out just before ejaculation is no safe way of
contraception, madam. Before ejaculation of semen, pre-ejaculatory secretions (precum) are ejaculated unknowingly. These precum secretions do contain some amount of sperms which are capable of fertilizing an ovum (if it is present).
You should not be panicky. Try to figure out whether you had any of the unprotected sex happened in the fertile window. The egg is released 14 days before the menses. Egg has life of 24 hours while the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence a period of about week around the day of ovulation is considered as fertile window. If you had any intercourse during this period, you do have possibility of being pregnant.
To pull all the
stress down, please confirm whether you are pregnant or not. Home pregnancy test on the urine may give false negative results during the first week of missed period. You have only 3 days delayed period. So you may prefer to wait for 4 more days before conducting this test. However, I would suggest you to opt for
Beta hCG test which is highly sensitive and specific; hence gives reliable results even few days before missing a period. So at this stage, you will definitely get reliable results of Beta hCG test.
If you are pregnant and this is unwanted pregnancy, there are medicines which can terminate the pregnancy safely and reliably up to 9 weeks of gestation. However, these medicines should be taken with Gynaecologist's advice only.
I hope this will distress you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri