I am 25 year old female height 5' 3" and weigh about 120lbs. My problem started when I was a week late for my period and then started spotting, then it got heavy and then it was only clots with no loose blood and it stoped after 24 hrs. Then a light brown discharge, but now I only bleed if I pick up something heavy or get stressed out but only a little, this has been going on for about 2 weeks now. Now I have dark hair and a line on my stomache and my breasts are tender with enlarged brown nipples, and my body is covered in dark blue veins and I have been fatigue for the past 2 months. I have been trying to have a baby but I have folicular cysts on my right ovary, I have a history of misscariages(5) and have good blood pressure and good blood sugar, but have been dizzy and fatigue. I have great iron levels don't drink or use drugs or any prescripyion meds. I drink a lot of water daily and take prenatal vitamins to stay healthy for possible future pregnancy. I have a two year old son born in 09. I took a pregnancy test 5 days after my missed period and again 3 days ago both were negative. My cervix is changing all the time from far upper right to low but it has stayed soft for3 weeks now. What is wrong with me? I have no energy,migrains, fatigue dizzy moody and can't keep up with my every day agenda. What can I get over the counter to help?