i am going to give you a list of symptoms, i know you can't diagnose me, but can you give me an idea of what disorder(s) i might have?
-i have been depressed for over a month now
-i've lost interest in normal daily activites
-i've had over 60 jobs since i was 16
-i can't seem to keep friends
-i'm addicted to spending money
-i've had over 60 sexual partners
-i have a hard time making decisions, i change my mind alot
-i did ecstasy for 6 months. just stopped a little over a month ago
-i dont want to be alive, but i dont want to kill myself
-i'm very irritable
-i have at least 5 or more episodes a week
(episodes consist of: crying, screaming, creating fights with my boyfriend, being extremely mean, stomping my feet, hitting things, convulsively shaking)
-during my episodes im telling myself to stop but i just can't control it
-i regret the bad things after i say/do them and even while im saying/doing them
-small things make me so mad to the point where i can feel the rage building up in my chest, like a ball thats about to explode
-i obsessively think that my boyfriend is gunna beak up with me, that he is cheating on me, and/or that he is having sexual thoughts about pretty women we see on tv or in person. i then accuse him for such thoughts even though he has never cheated on me
-i always think people are out to hurt me (i think strangers are going to attack me in public. i think family/friends are talking about me or are going to hurt my feelings)
-i dont trust anyone
-i feel hopeless, like i'm going to be this way forever
-i feel like i'm going insane
-my sunglasses are my security blanket in public
-i always feel like people are talking behind my back
-when i dont get my way i flip out
-i have convinced myself that i am dying from a disease/cancer/illness
-i'm very impulsive (money spending, sex)
-i rarely think before acting
-my sex drive is higher than ever, i masturbate almost everyday
-my mind races alot
-i don't have motivation to do anything anymore
i'm sorry that this is so long, do you have anything to say about this?