Thanks for your query.
Noted the history about your husband and understood your concerns.
Recurrent bloody motions,
diarrhea, gases and painful in stomach with nausea is indicative of recurrent intestinal infection as the body too takes care of controlling infection and healing but halfway and thus the recurrence.
I would advise him the following in such a situation:
Tests of stool for three consecutive days.
Tests of blood for CBC, Widal for
typhoid, liver and kidney function tests.
Ultrasonography of the abdomen.
A trial with a 5 day course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and supportive treatment in the form of anti-spasmodic, probiotics and multivitamins.
Clinical evaluation by a Doctor and if the 5 day course does not cure the problem get a reference for a Gastroenterologist for further evaluation,
colonoscopy and biopsy to get he accurate diagnosis to get a proper management.