Hi thanks for contacting HCM....
You are having complaint if diarrhea , vomiting and mild fever ...
These are not suits in IBS diagnosis. .
You are having infective etiology most likely like
gastroenteritis or chongitis etc...
Investigate with ....
-USG abdomen
-stool examination
If infection seems from above finding antibiotic shot like
ceftriaxone needed ...
Than oral antibiotic for five days ...
If biliary system infections seems than ERCP like investigation if needed done accordingly....
USG will also rule out if any organic cause present ....
For vomiting take
domperidone tablet ...
Maintain hydration as having diarrhea ....
Fruit juice more ...
Heavy meal restricted for few days ..
Before giving antibiotic
widal test done for typhoid ....
If still condition worsen
endoscopy and biopsy needs to be done .
Advise : physician consultation for preliminary work up
If needed gastroenterologist consultation
Take care .....