Hi, I m 20 years old. I am diabetic, but my sugar is regulated and it was of normal levels today. As I laid down to take a nap I felt as if the air in the room because stuffy and it was as if I could not breath in enough air. I thought I was imagining things, however, I kept waking up and feeling more anxious about not taking in enough air. As I woke up later on, I felt dizzy and slightly disorientated. I figured that this was because my brain was not getting enough oxygen. I thought of 2 possibilities of why this may occur, but I am not sure. Recently for the past 2 weeks I have been consuming large amounts of protein and very little carbohydrates and sugar. Second, before my nap I had consumed a garlic and onion meal, which I usually do not have and thought it may have something to do with an acid reflex perhaps slightly constricting my airway. Thank you