As you mentioned that when you smoke there develop cough i.e. smokers cough .
This is not because of any disease rather due to SMOKES inhaled by you in lungs . The smoke produces
allergy in airways and this allergy causes
bronchoconstriction and this causes
bronchospasm .
This bronchospasm produces whistling sound or wheeze in airways ( lungs ) and cough .
So reason of cough in your case is smoking .
If you will smoke continuously there will develops ASTHMATIC ALLERGIC
BRONCHITIS and this turns into ASTHMA .
I am writing about "
nicotine replacement therapy ".
Drug Available strength Dosage remarks
Nicotine 2mg/gum 6-12 /day x 3months stop smoking
gum 4 mg / gum before gradual reduction completely.
Nicotine inhaler , Nicotine lozenge , Nicotine
nasal spray ,
Nicotine patch available everywhere so you can use .
In my opinion at once consult a physician and get rid of smoking .
Good luck.