hi i would just like to ask for your advice and what you think,my question today is about fertility, I am 19 years old, and I have always had regular periods since I can remember, when I was 15 I fell pregnant and sadly I had a termination at 10 weeks I had a surgical termination, from then I was on contreception I was the implan as I bleed pretty much all the time with it I had it removed a year and a half later from then I went on the injection nd I bleed all the way through out that aswell so the doctors took me off contreception so they could run blood tests just to make sure everything was alright, everything came back negative so that was good. I have not been on contraception for just over two years now, I use the with drawel method with my partner, nd I no this isn't a effective method but surely it must be for us if pregnancy hasn't occured,I am curious weather I could be infertile and would like your opinion, does everyone get pregnant this way, tho I hav gota say for the first year with out contaception we did have sex quite regulary but now it must b about 3 or 4 times a month. And I do chart my ovulation days only til recently, my concern is do you think I could be infertile or am I just lucky it hasn't occured yet. I have also had a ultrasound and a transvaginal done recently just to make sure everythings ok up there, if that comes back ok, does it mean I'm perfectly ok to have children in the future when I actually try, or could this b a sign that I could be infertile, please help, and also u have never had a std I get checked regulary and I'm perfectly healthy and no problems if that helps.