Hello, and i hope I can help you today.
The sensation of feeling something stuck in your throat is a symptom of reflux- when the food that you eat or the acid in your stomach can back up and irritate it. This is common when you have a large belly at full term because your stomach is being pushed up towards your chest and also the hormones from the
pregnancy cause the top opening of your stomach that connects to your
esophagus to be looser, so food and acid can leak more easily.
The best way to try to control this is to eat only small amounts at one time and to make sure you sit up for at least 2 hours after meals. Taking antacids, which for the most part are all safe during pregnancy, can also help. Trying to
cough up what you feel in your throat will not help because there is not actually something solid coming up.
These symptoms may be difficult to treat, but the good news is the symptoms will get better after you have the baby.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful.
Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy,
Dr. Brown