Thanks for your query.
Read the history and understood the problems.
History of Crayola Crayon green stools is indicative of an active and
atypical infection as usually seen in infants .
This is casing you the pain in the upper middle abdomen along with
Anyways , the known history of IBS complicates the problem more.
I would advise you the following :
First of all the tests before the antibiotics are started to get the correct results.
- Stool: culture and sensitivity; routine and microscopy, occult blood.
- Blood : CBC, Sugar , thyroid , liver and kidney functions
- Urine test
Your Doctor will start a course of an antibiotic which is active against the bacteria that produce green stools;
probiotic are a must to restore the gastric flora, symptomatic and supportive.
I am sure this is going to help you a lot .
Once the Problems come under control, go for further tests if required.
Continue probiotic for a long tine.
Have control over stress and anxiety