Hi.. I noticed changes within myself so I visited the Dr who did a blood test MOT.. My results came back and I was told I was experiencing the menopause.. I’m only 36 years old.. My hormone results were LH - 45.6 & FSH - 13.1 I was told to come back for more blood tests six weeks later (day before I got my period) and they came back as normal.. I’ve been told that I’m now not going through the menopause but I am not feeling myself.. My moods are unbearable and it’s causing unhappiness in my home for my husband and children but I can’t think straight.. I can’t sleep.. I am dizzy, bad memory, my mind isn’t sharp, I’m confused, I struggle to make decisions, my body hurts (bones and joints and even lifting my arms up) Is there any idea what could be wrong as Dr has sent me away with no other help?