Hi, I have been having some issues with kind of dizziness and a little bit of balance issues when I m up and walking. These seemed to start when I started taking naturethroid 68 mg for my Hypothyroidism last Wed ( a week ago). My doctor switched me to it about 3 weeks ago, but the first two weeks I took a sample he gave me which had only 48 mg and I did not have any of these symptoms. My pharmacist told me to stop taking (68 mg pills) it immediately because she said what I m experiencing is a side effect. The last dose I took was Sunday morning. I have not been on any Thyroid medication for the last three days. I m going back on levithyroxine 75 mg, that I was on before the switch, tomorrow morning. The reason why my doctor put me on was because my T3 levels were low, but still in the normal range. My question is if these are side effects why are they not gone by now? It has been 3 days since my last dose? Could it be something else causing the symptoms? I keep thinking what if it is a brain tumor??? It a making me feel very scared. Please help!