Thanks for posting your query.
There are many causes for your symptoms, some common causes are:
1. Anemia : Decrease in
hemoglobin can cause excess tiredness and
dizziness. A simple test called CBC will tell us whether you have Anemia ornot.
2. Diabetes: Can causes your symptoms. A test called Fasting and Postprandial blood sugar will confirm diagnosis.
3. Thyroid problem : Thyroid hypofunctioning also called
Hypothyroidism can cause your problems. A simple test called Fasting TSH will detect thyroid problems.
4. Vitamin deficiency: Most commonly Serum
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause your problems. To detect you need to get Serum Vitamin B12 levels test done.
Inner ear problems: For this you need to get examined by ENT doctor. Ask him to perform Dix hallpike maneuver.
6. Heart problem : You need to get 2D-Echo scan to rule out this.
7. Brain problems: A MRI needs to be done for this.
If certain tests have already been done kindly upload the reports else kindly get the advised tests done and revert back with reports.