The other day, I took, over a period of a 7 days, snorted a gram of coccaine I took approximatly 10 ecstasy tablets (half a pill every 2-3 hrs) smoked about half an ounce of marajuana finished the session of by smoking enough crystal meth to keep one awake for 24 hours. Its something I have never done before and was experimenting in a safe environment. I had all the norms of an initial comedown, i.e. feel tired, bit nausa suboptimal coordination etc... These have now passed and I feel fine, however, I am having persistant but very mild dizzyness which comes and goes but my main concern is a wooshing sensation within my head. It feels like I can feel the blood rushing through my arteries to a maximum pressure but its so discomforting that I have to move myself rapidly to stop the sensation or it feels like my head will pop. It comes in quick pulses of three or four and is really unsettling, it can give of a tingeling sensation on my tongue and toes. I'm finding it difficult to get to sleep but once I'm asleep I'm generally ok. My thinking is that this is my brain clearing out toxins thus causing strange sensations within my head but my real concern is that I may have caused myself damage.
I'm not keen on the idea of seeking medical advice via a hospital unless it persistant or gets worse.
Are these side affects normal or irregular - other than remaining hydrated to clear my system are there any over the counter medicines or food/vitamins which may help my recovery.