Hi, I am 16, female. I have been very light headed and dizzy the past few days, to the point where things go black and I have to hold on to something or someone so I don't fall flat on my face or bottom. For the prior 2 1/2 months I have had bloating which has gotten worse overtime, but no significant weight gain, not to explain the difference in the size of my lower abdomen, I also eat the same, if not less cause I often feel sick, and extremely tired. Along with sharp shooting pains, and an irregular period. I thought I may be pregnant, so I took two hpt's both negative. So I went to the gynecologist where she had me take another, it came back positive in my urine, the same day no more then an hour later I went for blood work which came back negative. I went for a follow up which was also negative. What is wrong, am I pregnant?