I m 19 years old, aside from asthma, a soft systolic heart murmur and dizziness I m normally fit and well. The other night I was on first aid duty at the open air theatre for a status quo concert and just over an hour before the end I was sat in a chair in the first aid post and my head went *funny* I felt likeiI wasn t really with it and I felt lightheaded. I gradually got worse over the next hour as my hands started shaking which got worse then just stopped, I was confused and disorientated. I had barely any energy and it was difficult trying to move and I was having problems talking and at one point couldn t speak at all. I kept zoning out or there would be times when I knew people were talking hut didn t know if they were talking to me or even what they were saying. I was taking to the hospital by our ambulance crew where I had an ECG done which was normal and my blood sugars were normally but I m not sure about anything else. I don t remember a lot of what happened, some of this is what I have been told by my colleagues. I currently work in a theme park for which I do a 40 mile round trip on a moped as well as having several other first aid duties to cover this season so I would be very grateful for an opinion on this and what I could do to stop it happening again.