You are having "
dry cough " from last many months usually worse early in the morning (as mentioned by you in your query ) .
This type of cough ( dry ) may be due to these reasons , these include.
1 Smokers cough , if you are smokers then this may be a prominent reason of such cough . Dry cough present because of allergy to smoke.
If you are not a smoker , inspite of this you may have a dry hacking cough due to allergy to certain allergens, these are dust , mite , pollen , mold , sudden increase or decrease in temperature , humidity , fine dusting powder.
Such allergen causes
bronchoconstriction , hence
bronchospasm , hence tickle in throat or lungs and cough .
When such patient visit I prescribe them to take monteleukast+
fexofenadine tablet once or twice in day . Also take terbutalin+ guiaphesine + dextromethophan syrup .
2 As I mentioned above 2nd reason of such symptoms may be due to astmatic allergic
bronchitis . All allergens mentioned above may be the predisposing factors of Asthmatic allergic bronchitis ( usually in this type of dry cough there also develops breathlessness i.e. shortness in breath ) I usually prescribe monteleukast= bambuterole tablet once / day.
3 Sometimes foreign particle inhalation causes such sever dry hacking cough . So if you think that something is inhaled
consult a pulmonologist and get
bronchoscopy for removal of inhaled particle .
Hope this will help you.