Dry mouth along with a greenish appearance of the tongue can be due to dry mouth or
xerostomia as it can be due to causes like:
Severe dehydration.
-Side effects of medications if you take any.
Salivary gland dysfunction.
Nerve damage supplying salivary glands.
-Oral infections like thrush.
-Sjogren's Syndrome etcetera.
Drinking mouthwash can cause burning sensation of mouth and food pipe. Greenish appearance can be due to excessive bacterial overgrowth that can be probably chromogenic bacteria.
-For dry mouth chew sugar-free chewing gums.
-Drink plenty of water.
-Avoid regular mouthwash and use a specialized mouthwash that is formulated for dry mouth patients like Biotene.
-You can also instill artificial saliva drops.
-Suck tart candies as it also stimulates saliva flow.
-Clean your tongue using a tongue cleaner.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Honey Arora