I went to my gynecologist because I haven't had my period since April. I may have had it in May but I can't remember. I stopped taking birth control in April. The beginning of May I had symptoms that I thought were pregnancy symptoms. I had 1 night of light pink spotting and other pregnancy symptoms such as headache, nausea, bloating, cramping, and just not feeling right. I took a test and it was negative. I have taken a test at least 5 times since June. All negative. My gyno told me she can't help me unless I knew if I wanted to to become pregnant now or or just not become pregnant now. I wanted to wait until the end of the year because of vacation. She told me she could give me medication that would give my period and the other option was to get a blood pregnancy test but I didn't understand why she would want me to get a pregnancy test because she took urine test and didn't tell me if it was negative or positive. I assumed it was negative. My question is what could be the reason she would want me to get a blood pregnancy test and why has my period not came. I don't know if it matters but I'm an overweight 21 year old.