Hello dear user,
Thank you for writing to Healthcaremagic. I can understand your concern about ejaculations during sleep.
There is no need to become worried. This is not a disease. It does not require any medicine.
It may occur at any age. Nothing to feel strange!
Semen is being produced by genital organs continuously but, it has to be expelled by some means. This situation is just similar to a glass of full milk to which you add more milk, with the logical result that it overflows.
Similar happens to semen in body. If one neither has sex nor
masturbation for long time, semen gets accumulated in its pouch, so it gets expelled in the form of night emissions, which is normal.
You stopped masturbation for last two years. Hence the pouch of semen remains full and it gets expelled in the form of night emission.
When you will engage in regular masturbation or sexual activity and semen gets expelled, night emission will not occur.
Wish you good health.