Hello, I have been reading your site for a few weeks and find it to be one of the few sites that don t terrify me, but provide insight and understanding. Backstory: my dad died 2/2/17 (just a few weeks ago) from complications from amneodorane induced cirrhosis. He was dx with end strange liver disease in December and on 2/1/17 began vomiting blood, and well...they tried an edoscopy to band the bleed (he was put on a vent for this) that didn t work so he was brought down to have a TIPS procedure which lasted 6 hrs, maybe longer- once back in icu he was hypotensive and eventually bled out- 10 professionals worked on him. It was the most horrific sight, an hour and a half earlier he looked like my dad and after he died there was so much blood, he was so swollen and further bruised from the doctors valiant efforts to save him but is a sight I will never forget. I m writing you because I m scared about my own well being. I was anorexic/ eating disorder not specified/ anorexic with purging (self induced, lax, diuretic - all of it) for almost 20 year. The only negative physical ramification was a slightly elevated ast when on certain meds. I have stopped almost all medication and maintain a weight of 117 at 5 5 (take adderall 10 Mg 2-3x day, clonipan mg 1-2 time a day and occasionally 10 mg hydroxozine to sleep). On Jan 27 had my physical which I had put off and my ast was 225, alt 110, ferritin over 400 but everything else normal and no physical findings. I will drink a few glasses of wine a week, sometimes more sometimes less, and before those test had my period and took 4 Advil 4 times over two days. A week later (no alcohol, no otc) ast was to 70, alt 60....four weeks later my doctor retested again (I had wine during those four weeks, basically so many events for my dad s memory I wasn t paying attention to my own health) and on 2/16 ast was up to 125, alt stayed the same. Told my doctor about alcohol and cold medicine taken in the weeks leading up to the test. Neg for all hepatitis, hemochromatosis, all other blood levels still normal. She ran a ggt and it was 225! I was terrified- and I think she thinks I m lying bout alcohol intake. Nutrition hasn t been great but trying. I m getting an ultra sound Wednesday and see her again march 17 to retest all levels. Am I going to die like my dad? I m only 43. I am not an alcoholic but did enjoy wine, I am trying to eat better and drinking lots of warm water and lemon. I know you can t tell me for sure but I needed to reach out given the entire story. Many thanks