Blood work was drawn this past week to check my kidney function before the decision to increase my Lasix would be made. I just got the call from the nurse who said my Kidney function tests came back normal, and that they were raising my dosage on the Lasix; however, my WBC and Neutrophils were elevated again and I was asked if I felt sick or not and to make an appointment, which I did. In the meantime, I had an appointment with my ENT doctor this morning for another matter, and she had stated there was no infection present, thus she didn't feel the need for antibiotics.
So when I got this phone call stating my WBC and Neutrophils were raised again, I started thinking, why would they keep going up and down like a roller coaster if I am not displaying "illness" symptoms other than ongoing fatigue and low-grade temps... Would this have anything to do with the COPD that I was just recently diagnosed with? I'm trying to figure out what I should be asking for the appointment I just made for tomorrow, and if I should be concerned about this, since it seems to be a chronic issue of elevation in these areas.