Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Since your Parents have known Crohn's disease, there is a chance that the redness in colon near appendix on
colonoscopy is suggestive of Crohn's or so like
tuberculosis or any other
granulomatous disease. Hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Repeat colonoscopy and insist for biopsy as the result of biopsy is the only thing that is confirmatory.
The bouts of bloating followed by vomiting and explosive
diarrhea once in a month or so wherein you have not changed your diet can also be due to the following things:
Granulomatous diseases as mentioned above.
IBS that is
irritable bowel syndrome that is related to the stress and anxiety and wherein all the relevant investigations as mentioned below will be normal. CT scan of abdomen, tests of stool, blood and urine; colonoscopy and any other as required.
A course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and probiotics may solve your problems.
Although the colonoscopy is normal, the palms and soles getting itchy, red and blotchy indicate towards intestinal infection as a probable cause or
Carcinoid syndrome in rare cases which need special blood and urine tests along with CT scan of the whole abdomen.
All these factors will lead to a probable diagnosis and thus to a proper management.