Hi, I am a 45 year old woman with high blood pressure that is being treated with Benicar 20mg. Last year I had a color ultrasound done on my neck and my carotid arteries were almost 50% blocked. I have high blood pressure for about 2 years. My cholesterol is good. High good cholesterol, low bad cholesterol. For the past month my hands have been getting numb and I have had excessive sweating. For the past week I have had extreme excessive sweating, just standing. I get dizzy when I stand up, and extremely dizzy if I bend over and stand up. I have extreme fatigue, just going up or down the stairs. A week ago I noticed I was urinating less. The past two days I have been uritanting about a half a cup a day, I go but almost nothing comes out. I have no pain. The front of my neck where my carotid arteries are hurts sometimes but that is it. I don t drink, I eat healthy and low calories, mostly vegetables and lean protein and some fruit. I have eaten extremely healthy the last month since the symptoms started. I checked my blood pressure 2 days ago and it 96/90. I cut my Benicar in half, and checked yesterday and it was 92/86. I didn t feel any improvement. Today, I didn t take the Benicar at all. I am sweating less, and slightly less dizzy, but I am mostly just sitting. I am still almost not urinating at all. I have been drinking a lot of water, although my thirst has decreased too (I think). The past few days I have also taken a diuretic (hydroclothizide? it s for blood pressure too) to try and increase urination but it has not helped. I was laid off a month and a half ago and don t have insurance (I am applying for the Afordable Health Care). I d like to know if this is serious or something I could wait a month or two on, or if there is something I can do that I am not already doing. - Heather