dermatitis (known as hand
eczema) often results from a combination of causes, including genetic , injury (contact with irritants) and
It may affect the palms,the backs of the hands or both sites.
Causes of hand dermatitis :
-Climatic Conditions
-Hot Water
-Artificial heating and cooling devices like air conditioners and heaters
-Harsh Chemicals
-Atopic Dermatitis: Also known as eczema
-Over-exposure to Harsh Sun Rays
Thyroid Problems
-Avoid wet-work and contact with irritants.
-Protect your hands using vinyl gloves but don't wear these for long periods, as sweating will aggravate the dryness.
-Use emollients frequently.
- Use topical
steroids to reduce inflammation. These should only be applied to areas of active dermatitis once or twice daily for several weeks.
-If your dermatitis is infected, you should use a topical or oral antibiotic such as flucloxacillin for about a week.
Feel free to ask me if u have any other question
Kind regards,