I have been having issues for years with exhaustion, can sleep for 12 hrs and feel like i never slept at all, photosensitivity, headaches and migraines twice a year tat end up with me in the hospital because i cant speak open my eyes and tears run down my cheeks for extended periods of time, jaw pain, extreme joint pain, i get heart palpitations, anemia, i am always freezing( it could be 75 degrees and i am just ok not sweating like everyone else), when i am in the sun i get a very itchy rash everywhere the sun touched me and it doesn t go away for days, no matter what i use or take my acne never really goes away, i have trouble focusing, and i get depressed for no reason at all. do you have any ideas as to what this could possibly be? I have been to doctors around where i live but i live in a very rural area and they are baffled.