I ve suffered from progressively disabling Lupus for 25 years. Formerly a professional athlete doing things like climbing Mt Kenya Over 16K feet) and doing thousand mile bike treks! I m on a ton of sle drugs including the investigational orencia. In spite of maximal therapy, I may have a few good hours in the mornings until I get extremely fatigued. Then come the daily migraines, fevers that don t respond to anything and severe nausea. I lay in bed for up to 7 hours simply trying to endure these symptoms (even with palliative care and use of narcotics). I can t do anything usually after 11 am and it has been years since I ve been able to go to a movie, theater, parties, professional dinner (I m an internist), or do any other things that contribute to one s social life. I am exhausted after so many years of pain and profound fatigue that is taking over my life. I want to end my life the most peacefully possible, but it has to work. I understand acc t one source lethal dose secobarb about 1500MG. Do you have any further knowledge about this, the difficulty in obtaining it, or any other suggestions? I ve done some hospice and palliative care work and know there are planned deaths, but I certainly don t know the details. I have been a part of Compassion and CHoices. I will be drawing on their resources as well. Thanks for any suggestions. This is not an impulse-I ve been giving away almot a full household of stuff over the last 2 years and am getting my financial ordesr in place for the ease of taking care of my last business. Do you have any hospice/palliative care docs? Thanks