Hello dear
Understand your concern
I think either you have
urinary tract infections or vaginal infections (
bacterial vaginosis,
fungal infection, chlamydia). Diagnosis will be made by examine and after proper investigations like urine test: microscopy, culture and routine , swab test, Vaginal microscopy, hanging drop preparation, KOH mount , PCR nad NAAT test for infections.
Doctor will give you flowing advice:
Wash vagina with v-Wash 2-3 times per day.
metronidazole for bactreial vaginosis, azitromycine plus flucanazole plus tinidazole single dose treatment also help to cure other infections. Apply
hydrocortisone ointment if itching is severe. Lactobacili vaginal suppository, Maintain pelvic hygiene, wear pure cotton loose under wear.
For UTI, septran plus nitozolium and tablet pyridium will help to cure. Drink plenty of waters, drink juice of cranberry, orange and pineapple. Avoid sex till you get better.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagaar