Hi Welcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query regarding your husband's
fainting feeling .It is matter of concern . His BP is little lower side . that may be the cause of fainting sensation .
As for his
stent is concerned that may not be the cause of concern .any way you can get his doctor's opinion on that issue .
For his general health I suggest to follow regimen below --
Diet should include all essential nutrients -main diet of fibers ,fruit, veges vitamins & minerals , all antioxidants- raw ginger, garlic , lemon juice with water , bitter gourd juice 20-25 ml
Aloe vera juice 25 ml + Amla juice 2 spoons , fenu greek powder 1 spoon with water ,turmeric powder a level spoon with cup of hot milk at bed time ,
Avoid fried , fast foods tea ,coffee ,alcohol ,
smoking ,mental
stress ,worry
anxiety and most important is to clear you bowls . as
constipation is mother of all ills .
Last but not the least for proper blood crculation , regular walk , exercise , yoga pranayam-deep breathing for 6 months do gentally . Proper rest & sound sleep , helps in detoxifying and strengthening the immune system to enhance resistance from diseases and pave way for healthy , happy ,disease free life .
Diet should include all essential nutrients -main diet of fibers ,fruit, veges vitamins & minerals , all antioxidants- raw ginger, garlic , lemon juice with water , bitter gourd juice 20-25 ml Aloe vera juice 25 ml + Amla juice 2 spoons , fenu greek powder 1 spoon with water ,turmeric powder a level spoon with cup of hot milk at bed time ,
Avoid fried , fast foods tea ,coffee ,alcohol ,smoking ,mental stress ,worry anxiety and most important is to clear you bowls . as constipation is mother of all ills .
Last but not the least for proper blood circulation , regular walk , exercise , yoga pranayam-deep breathing gently for 6 months . Proper rest & sound sleep , helps in detoxifying and strengthening the immune system to enhance resistance from diseases and pave way for healthy , happy ,disease free life .
It’s important to check with your physician before adding herbs to your existing medications, the herbs that are antioxidant ,have no side efects and go with any therapy of treatment .
Hope this helps solve your query . Take care All the best .
Don't hesitate to come back for any further query.