This is a question of integrity , so I am explaining in some detail , so that it will be good for you:
Risk Factors for CHLAMYDIA,
=Adolescents & young adults
=African Americans
=Those with multiple sex partners or a recent new sex partner
=Inconsistent use of barrier contraceptives=Evidence of mucopurulent
cervicitis or cervical ectopy
=History of previous STDs
=Lower socioeconomic status or a lower level of education
Up to 70 % of FEMALES & 40 % of MEN are asymptomatic.
Diagnosis is confirmed by: McCoy or HeLa cells are incubated for up to 72 hours .
Now about your question answer:
Could it be false?
No , if proper method used.
How It could be , not knowing.
Ans: May be asymptomatic
As mentioned above it is not necessary that every POSITIVE case must have std.
Hope this information will be useful for you.
Any further question I will reply .
Good luck.