i am recovering from a craniopharyngioma and the following surgery, and radiation. the surgery was in
Oct of 2002. I am working on getting back the majority of functions and abilities of pre surgery.
The one item that still eludes the team of white coats is constant fatigue.
I am quickly comming to the conclusion that there is not a single system that can be
fixed/repaired/medicated. That normally leads to some small talk maybe a script to appease me and
ease the look of discust on my face. THEN there begins the most hated, repulsive and frustrating
words. "Well lets get back together in about two weeks, get this blood draw before the appt.
In reallity what they are saying is go back and spend another two weeks dragging my ass through the
gravel walk. They are all trying I am positive, but they don't need to go sleep for 10 hours to
recover from the energy drain of going to the original doctors appointment.
As I said before I have tried Crack before and of course found it to greatly help the physical, mental
, and emotional fatigue that normally rides on my shoulders.
This of course is not a viable course of action long term. It is/has eaten its way into my current
marrage with quite poor reprocussions. This is my second wife, the first searved me devorse papers
the day i returned home from hospital.
I find myself very frustated and imbarrased when my wife has
to once again go to work then come home and spend her home time doing chores that I can and should be
doing. (can't blame her frustration).
unfortunatly do to my wifes negative feelings about using illegal drugs. She feels it necessary to
declare my out of control habit of using Crack to each and every doctor I go see. The result I belive
is that when the doctors see my file and listen to exagerated storys of durg use. They one by one all
fall into this shell of gee not much i can do. I have asked my primary doc straight out will you give
me somekind of releife. All docs so far can only see a duggy thats just looking for a high. Believe
me my wife is not any happyer about the new stuff. I know that shit can't be good for most of my body,
but at this point what the hell is the differance. I can use the salts occasionaly to help with
days/times of higher then normal tention and activities. Believe me after what seems like the only working parts of my brain were F'd with, I really don't want to continue pounding on whats left of my body.
I'v had two low back surgys, two on my neck to fuse a level. about five on my wrist. ending in one to fuse the wrist completly.
Please any suggestions, thanks for your dedication to your profession.
Dan Magruder.
PS. Any ideas about how baddly i'm beating on myself using the 'bath salts'?