Hi,Dear Thanks for the query to HCM virtual Clinic.
I studied your query with available details given in your query.
I understood your health concerns.
Cause of the bubble lump outside vagina-
From the review of the facts given in your query and with the limited data,I would advise you to consult ER Surgeon /ER Gynaec doctor and get USG of the abdomen and of the para-vaginal outside area where the lump is there.
This would give air bubbles / and fluid levels which would confirm the probable diagnosis of -Chronic Indirect inguinal hernia with Irreducibility- indicating partial obstruction.
Possibility of Direct Inguinal Hernia with pressure while peeing causing stabbing and shouting pains -is also possibility as- it has occurred after Second delivery in your case. and needs to be ruled out.
My clinical opinion on your query is-
-Consult ER Surgeon/Gyneac Surgeon,whose clinical examination and
-investigation with USG study of the lump is advisable for making its diagnosis.
Bubble lump in the labia Majora/out side the vagina-seems to be due to -
-Indirect Inguinal Hernia with Irreducibility due to Chronic presence with adhesions causing partial obstructions of the intestinal contents leading to stabbing and shouting pains while peeing due to the pressure on the lump while peeing.
-Lately it is getting bigger in last week and is interfering during physical contacts.
-Possibility of the
Direct hernia with chronic adhesions due to its presence on the top of vagina and due to the hurting /pain while peeing indicates the possibility of Direct Inguinal Hernia in your case though commonly its occurrence is very less but needs to be ruled out by clinical examination from ER Surgeon.
Hope this reply would resolve your query and would help you to plan treatment with your doctor.
Hope this would relieve of your health concerns.
Welcome for any further query in this regard before final suggestions are given in your query.
Wishing you fast recovery..
Have a good day.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist.