Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Bacterial infections of the vagina (which is what I assume you had) are very common and some people tend to be prone to them. Sometimes they can be caused by being with a partner who is not circumcised if he does not wash himself well. It is normal to have some
vaginal discharge every day, but it should be clear or white and not have a strong odor.
The only way to accurately diagnose what is wrong is for you to have a vaginal examination and for the provider to test it (the pH, as well as a culture) and figure out what type of infection you have. Sometimes, antibiotic jelly inserted into the vagina works better than pills. Also it is a possibility that you were misdiagnosed and that is why your symptoms came back. A yeast infection can also cause discharge with a sweet smell.
In the US, there is a product that you can buy over the counter called
Rephresh. It is a jelly that has an acid pH that can re-balance the vagina. Using it when you notice the odor or after your period can help maintain a normal pH which can reduce the risk of future infection.
I hope I adequately answered your question, and that this information was helpful.
Best wishes, Dr. Brown