Thanks for your query.
Noted the history related to your son who is paraplegic and has been operated for bladder augmentation.Since then he is having very foul smelling stools which have made quality of life changed to interference.
Let us see the causes first.
Since the augmentation of the bladder is an extensive surgery and involves getting a piece of
small intestine to get the augmented, the continuity of the bladder is maintained by
anastomosis. Here stars the interference to the bacterial balance wherein there is more growth of the bad bacteria and that gives this typical smell to the stools.
I would advise you the following:
Send the sample of the stool for routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
Check for blood- CBC, sugar, and other organ function tests as may be deemed by clinical evaluation.
Ultrasonography and
All these tests will help us to get a probable diagnosis.
A course of an antibiotic,
Continue with probiotics and multivitamins for a long time.
Maintain this status, stop outside food and the patient will be fine.,