Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
The frequent acidic mucus stools are indicative of an intestinal infection.
Since you feel incomplete emptying of bowel, you strain so much that the piles and the fissure has appeared. Norma
colonoscopy does not rule out many things.
Hence I would advise you the following:
Get the stool tested for three consecutive days.
Blood for CBC, culture and sensitivity, thyroid and liver functions,
Get a course of an antibiotic and
metronidazole and may help you a lot.
Check for the source of infection in water source or foods.
Get a CT scan of the abdomen.
If all the investigations are normal, it is then probably IBS that is
irritable bowel syndrome.
Take pre and probiotics, activated
charcoal and multivitamins.
Anti-spasmodic to control the spasm.
Sitz bath in a tub with warm water.
Continue eliminating the foods and beverages that you may find out instigating or enhancing the symptoms.