I've been getting serious chest congestion that last up to 7 days too two weeks every now and then. About a year ago I got bad chest congestion that lasted up to two weeks. It got better and I went on with my daily tasks, about 4 months later I got terrible chest congestion again, I got better within two weeks again. So a year later I got chest congestion again, it lasted one week. About a month later (A few days ago) I got bad chest congestion again, it gets to the point where I can't walk I'm so out of breath and I'm worried that it might be more then just chest congestion, I do have severe allergies. And it get's bad sometimes when the mold is high. I'm wondering do you think I might have COPD or any other serious condition?. I'm young and I don't smoke. My family doesn't have a history of diseases so I'm at a loss.