I am 18 year old in last year at school. I am getting sick of eating. I usually eat on my own as I hate the foods my family eat, and I hate the sound of other people eating/chewing/scraping plates etc. the foods I eat: chicken (must be breast and no wee stringy bits/purple bits etc), most fruit and veg (mainly peppers, sweetcorn, peas, carrots. deinitly not onions, mushrooms, tomatoes etc), bread (thouhgh I wont eat much of it), noodles/pasta/rice, skinny chips (hate potato, and will only have skinny chips if in a foreign country) I do not like foreign foods, and i will eat most junk foods. I will not eat anything creamy at all. I hate butter and most dairy, alothough I willl only have either skimmed or semi skimmed milk in either my tea/coffee or cereal. I generally live on soup. Although I eat most veg, I can t have salads, as I don not like the vegetables to be mixed, wet or in a sauce- they must be dry and seperarte. I do not like potatoes or chips, or any red meat or fish. I will mostly only eat the foods i have listed. I cannot eat anything I dont like the smell of, or is in a white sauce, and I hate eating with other people. I hate when they comment on what you are eating and when they watch you- i usually decline any food when with other families. I hate being a nuisence at friend s houses with regards to food, and I am getting sick of the things I eat to a point where I would rather not, and I often skip meals. I am a very busy person, so I have little time to prepare/cook/eat a meal, and I am very sporty. I am not under weight, and i am not over weight. I am around 8st 4lbs, and 5ft 4.5 (though not 100% sure as my mum hid the scales). I am quite muscular and toned. I hate being fussy though, and am so bored of food and eating. I am always tired and am prone to head aches. is there anything can be done for me or any advice? oh- and I cant try new foods and sometimes i make myself sick after food.