Thank you for posting your question.
Increased stool frequency may occur normally in a lot of babies and may depend on the type of diet consumed. Also since you mentioned that the stools are mostly of normal consistency, it is most likely to be a normal occurance.
However, considering the age, it could also be a mild viral infection of the intestine.
In any case, all that needs to be done is keeping the child hydrated by giving plenty of liquids. You may breast feed more frequently, use oral rehydration salts or home made lemon water/rice water etc. with a pitch of salt. Giving curd or any
probiotic sachets like
econorm may also help.
Also keep a watch for any decrease in the urine output, blood in stools or
fever. If present, a medical consultation would be needed.
Continue with normal diet and feeding.
If you have any more doubts, do write back.