Hallow Dear,
With such a healthy history in the past, the current problem indeed needs an attention.
A sex with a guy few months ago, foul smelling
vaginal discharge and less amount of urine in spite of a lot of water intake is indicating some infection to the
urinary system with reduced function of kidneys. It is most likely to be some acute sexually transmitted infection. Do you get any pain just below the ribs in the back and radiate to the front? That will indicate pain in kidney.
Please get your urine routine examination performed. If it shows any pus cells, red cells and or
epithelial cells, they indicate infection. In that case get urine examined for culture and sensitivity. It will reveal the infecting organisms and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive. Accordingly, the antibiotics can be started.
Also please get your blood examined for urea and uric acid. It will reflect upon the function of the kidneys. Then Please report to the
urologist with these reports to have a proper diagnosis and treatment. May be, urologist might ask you to get Intravenous pyelography (IVP) done. it is an X-ray of abdomen with radio-opaque dye injected through veins which make the urinary system visible in the x-rays. If told, please get it done.
Meanwhile, please drink good amount of
barley water which will help you improve the kidney function.
Please give me a feed back by asking me a direct question or contacting me on nishikants@gmail.com. I am keen to know your progress.
I hope you find my advice useful.