Hello dear
Understand your concern.
I think you have prostate problems.
Following are the causes of frequent urination:
Prostate enlargement and prostatitis,
Urinary tract infection, Constipation, Obstruction of the urinary tract by stone and tumour, Excesssive Alcohol and caffeine use, Artificial sweeteners and corn syrup, Blood pressor medication, Large dose of vitamin B and C, Intake of food high in sugars, and Neurological disorder:
parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis and
brain tumour, steroid intake,
uncontrolled diabetes melitus.
Consult the
urologist and undergo proper investigations like:
Rectal examination
Urine: routine, microscopic and culture
USG of lower abdomen
Advice are as below:
Pain killer: ibuprufen/paracetamol
Laxative to reduce pressure during defecation
Tamsulosine: for relaxation of prostatic muscle
Finasteridine: for shrinkage of gland
Counselling and stress management
Relaxation exercise
Avoid stress
Repeat the test after completion of treatment
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar